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Charles Edge
5 min read
The Seven Leadership Styles
Leadership is about motivating people towards a common goal. Many think of leadership as motivation. Many confuse management and...

Charles Edge
5 min read
Creating A Board Of Directors
The board of directors is a group of people that represent the shareholders of a company or stakeholders of an educational or non-profit...

Charles Edge
4 min read
Board Compensation for Startups
Every startup should have a board of directors by the time that first non-shareholding non-founder is hired. In fact, according to the...

Charles Edge
3 min read
Competitive Analysis For Start-Ups
Every organization has competition. This might mean going into an industry where there are well entrenched vendors. Or changing market...

Charles Edge
3 min read
The Cost To Grow Faster (Equity)
I’ve always thought of a “small business” as one in a more traditional industry that uses conventional financing (or no financing) to get...

Charles Edge
1 min read
Use Customer Feedback To Reduce Churn
This is a bit of a different post on the Bootstrappers blog, but we did an interview with "The Startup Blog" at...

Charles Edge
3 min read
Improving Our Teams (and Engagement)
Starting a company can be fast-paced, hiring to match the pace of customer acquisition and hiring for what we need at the moment. New...

Charles Edge
5 min read
Getting Started With Ticketing Systems
Each time a customer contacts us with a support issue, a ticket should be created. When done properly, that ticket contains a description...

Charles Edge
6 min read
Renewals Are Critical To Our Ongoing Success
We work hard to get our customers. And once we have them, we want to keep them! We win and lose renewals in three places: Innovation: Our...

Charles Edge
4 min read
It's Tax Season!
It’s tax season! So let’s talk about taxes. TLDR - Hire someone to do them asap, if that hasn't already happened... Before we talk taxes,...

Charles Edge
10 min read
Scaling From Founder-Led Sales: Sales Methodologies
Previously we looked at founder-led sales. Any organization that finds success in selling then needs to scale a sales team. We’ve looked...

Charles Edge
4 min read
Getting Our First Insurance Policy
We work hard to start a company. No matter how hard we try, or how good we are, bad things can happen. Unexpected things. We share the...

Charles Edge
5 min read
Founder-led Sales
Many a founder will have no experience in sales - and yet selling is one of the most important aspects of our jobs. It’s often the...

Charles Edge
4 min read
Bringing On An Accountant
Every organization needs to account for all the dollars and cents that flow through our doors. We can usually handle the basics of a...

Charles Edge
3 min read
Difference Between Management And Leadership
We often see leadership and management used interchangeably but it’s important to keep in mind that they are not the same thing. In fact,...

Charles Edge
6 min read
House Bill 1668, Innovation, and the State of IoT Security
House Bill 1668 was introduced in the house in March of 2019 and signed into law in December of 2020 as Internet of Things Cybersecurity...

Charles Edge
4 min read
Writing Press Releases
A press release is a document that informs the press about an event. A software company might put out a press release that we've got a...

Charles Edge
4 min read
We hired a sales team. Now what?
Before sellers can work on leads, they need a framework to work on sales. There are a number of frameworks used for these, but none...

Charles Edge
2 min read
The Customer Journey
The customer journey is the general process followed by a person when becoming a customer. Here we’ll group customers into four primary...

Charles Edge
3 min read
Product Management In Startups
Product management is the function in an organization that plans, organizes, and manages the products the organization makes at each...
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